Article I Name and Object
The Connecticut Chefs Association, Inc. (“CCA”) is a not-for-profit corporation, organized as a non-partisan association of chefs and other culinarians, dedicated to the promotion of excellence, education, professionalism and collegiality in the culinary profession. Meetings are designed to be educational, an exchange of information and ideas, and to promote a higher degree of proficiency in the art of cooking. The intent is to foster and promote aspiring members a sense of community service by fundraising for charities and providing scholarships and other CCA programs. The CCA is governed by a Charter issued by the State of Connecticut in 1958.
I pledge my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement of our profession and to pass it on to those who are to follow. I shall foster a spirit of courteous consideration and fraternal cooperation with our profession. I shall place honor and the standing of our profession before personal advantages. I shall not use unfair means to effect my professional advancement or to injure the chances of another colleague to secure and hold employment. I shall never expect anyone to subject to risks which I would not be willing to assume myself. I shall help protect all members against one another from within our profession. I shall be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own. I shall be too big for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit pressure of business to hurt anyone, within or without the profession.
Article II Membership
Section 1. Eligibility.
CCA membership shall be open to Culinarians and other individuals engaged in the culinary profession, allied employment, as well as those persons in the general non-food professional community that has a passion for the culinary arts and who meets the requirements set forth in Section 2. The term ‘Culinarians’ refers to professional chefs, cooks and bakers engaged in (a) food and beverage planning, preparation, service or supervision in commercial kitchens, hotels, clubs, restaurants, schools and other institutions; (b) culinary education; (c) culinary research, development or testing; or (d) other culinary employment.
Section 2. Categories of Membership.
There shall be nine categories of the CCA membership as follows:
(a) Junior Culinarian. A Junior Culinarian shall be a high school student between 16 and 18 years of age. Junior Culinarians shall have no vote.
(b) Student Culinarians. A Student Culinarian shall be a person that is involved in the culinary profession and have fewer than two years work experience at the time of joining. A Student Culinarian shall be a student enrolled in a post-secondary culinary education program, or a registered apprentice as defined by the ACFEF apprenticeship training program. A Student Culinarian shall have 1/2 vote in any electoral proceedings of the CCA. Student Culinarian membership shall be subject to a lifetime limit of four years and is not available to a person who has previously been a Culinarian or Professional Culinarian.
(c) Culinarians. A Culinarian shall be individuals including line cooks, bakers, pastry cooks or other culinarian not involved in the management or supervision of the respective property with a minimum of 6 months full time employment. A Culinarian shall be pursuing on-the-job training and experience necessary to advance to the membership level of Professional Culinarian. A Culinarian shall have one vote in the election of officers. ACulinarian membership shall be subject to a lifetime limit of five years.
(d) Professional Culinarians. A Professional Culinarian shall be a person with at least three years full-time employment in the culinary profession. A Professional Culinarian shall have one vote in the election of officers.
(e) Senior Professional Culinarians. A Senior Member shall be a person at least 65 years of age, retired from employment and who shall have been an CCA Professional Culinarian member for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years at the time of retirement. Regardless of age, a member with at least seven (7) years tenure in any category who is permanently and totally disabled from culinary employment shall be eligible for Life Senior Professional Culinarian membership. Senior Professional Culinarians shall retain the rights and privileges of the membership category from which they retired, including the right (if any) to vote for officers. This membership category shall include all Retired, Disabled, and Life Senior Chef Members.
(f) Associate Member. An Associate Member shall be a representative of a group, company or corporation providing products or services to the culinary profession. Associate Members shall have voting rights and can hold an elected office.
(g) Allied Member. An Allied Member shall be a person employed in a field related to the culinary profession (such as dietetics, home economist, food stylist, etc.) who does not qualify at any level of professional membership of the CCA. Additionally, any person who wishes to support and promote the CCA and culinary profession may become an Allied Member. Allied Members shall have no voting rights and cannot hold elected office.
(h) Culinary Enthusiast Member. A Culinary Enthusiast Member shall be a person of the general non-food professional community that has a passion for the culinary arts. A Culinary Enthusiast Member shall have no voting privileges. A Culinary Enthusiast Member cannot hold elected office.
(i) Honorary Member. Any person who has rendered CCA important services and benefits or whom for other reasons CCA may see fit to honor, may be elected the CCA by unanimous vote of all members present and voting. Honorary members shall be exempt from all dues and assessments, but shall be entitled to all privileges of CCA except voting and being eligible for office.
Section 3. Chapter Membership.
All CCA chapter memberships must fall into one of the membership categories listed in Section 2 of this Article II. No other membership categories shall be recognized by the CCA. CCA members must maintain their chapter membership in order for their membership to remain in good standing.
Section4. Voting Rights .
Voting members may vote only in the election of executive board officers. Past Presidents will be the only individuals allowed to vote for the election of the Chairman of the Board.
Section5. Membership Obligations.
As a condition of membership, all CCA members shall be bound and abide by the CCA Bylaws, policies and procedures, as amended from time to time, including without limitation, the Culinarians Code and the CCA rules governing Unethical Conduct, the procedure for joining the CCA, and termination and suspension of membership.
Section 6. Membership Committee.
The Board of Directors shall appoint a special membership committee. It shall be the duty of said membership committee to investigate character standing and ability of all applicants’ admission, to notify each member elect of their election, furnish them with a copy of the By-Laws, and to notify each member of the next regular schedule meeting for the purpose of initiation. Each applicant for membership shall be made in writing to the Recording Secretary on a membership form furnished for this purpose. The form must have the name, address, position, and place of employment of the candidate. The form shall be authorized by a sponsor member in good standing of the CCA and shall certify that the candidate is personally known to them and are qualified. See membership categories listed in Section 1and 2 of this Article II for a list of different memberships and criteria.
Section 6. Membership Committee. (Continued)
Upon approval of application by the membership committee, the applicants’ names and information shall be placed before the Board of Directors for approval. Candidates receiving a majority vote in favor shall be accepted. Any member shall be allowed to present to the Board of Directors reasons why applications should not be granted. Any applicant who has been rejected must wait at least six (6) months before reapplying.
The membership committee shall notify each candidate of their election. A membership packet to include a membership certificate shall be provided at their induction meeting. Each applicant must pay a non-refundable application fee. The balance of the first annual dues must be paid to the Treasurer no latter then the candidate’s induction meeting. Until payment is made the candidate will not be considered a CCA member or entitled any privileges associated with CCA & ACF. If payment has not been received at the expiration of one month from the induction meeting then their election shall thereby be rendered void.
Article III The Board of Directors
Section 1. Board of Directors.
The membership of the Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following: Chairman of the Board, President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, and the Advisor to the President. These executive officers together with past Presidents shall constitute the Board of Directors. All Committee Chairpersons shall serve as non-voting members.
Section 2. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall be the representative body of the membership. The Board of Directors shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) The Board of Directors shall be vested with full voting rights as to any and all matters requiring action or approval of the membership.
(b) The Board of Directors shall have the authority to amend the Bylaws as provided in these Bylaws.
(c) The Board of Directors shall approve the annual budget.
(d) The Board of Directors shall break ties in the election of officers. (e) The Board of Directors shall authorize membership annual dues increases up to or equal to 3%. The Board of Directors shall approve annual membership dues that exceed 3%. (f) The Board of Directors may adopt resolutions on matters of planning, procedure and policy for the consideration and guidance of the Membership. The Board of Directors shall exercise its independent judgment and discretion in determining whether or not to follow such resolutions, consistent with the Board’s fiduciary obligations. (g) The Board of Directors shall take charge, control and management of CCA property. (h) The Board of Directors shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer kept by him and the Treasurer will make a written report of the condition of the association quarterly.
Section 3. Board and Special Meetings. Board meetings shall be held monthly at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Special meetings may be called at the request of the CCA President, or a majority of the Board of Directors. The Corresponding Secretary shall send all members of the Board of Directors a notice of the special meeting by email or by phone not less than 7 days before the meeting. The notice shall specify the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum and Voting. The presence of 40% of the Executive Officers and minimum of three Past Presidents shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business during a board meeting. The presence of 10% of voting members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business during regular scheduled meetings.
Article IV The Executive Officers
Section 1Qualifications for Executive Office. In order to serve as a CCA Officer, a member shall (a) be in good standing and have been a member for at least five consecutive years. (b) have attended 75% of past meetings .and must maintain a Professional status while holding office.
Section 2. Term of Office. The officers shall be elected by the majority vote of the CCA membership. Each officer shall be elected to a full one year term with one year reelection. The option of running for consecutive additional terms for the same office shall be at the discretion of the Past Presidents. The terms of office shall begin with installation at the annual election meeting held in the Hartford County. An officer appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve until a successor is elected and installed in office.
Section 3. Powers and Duties. In addition to the powers and duties conferred by the Bylaws, the officers shall have the customary powers and duties of their offices, subject to such terms, conditions and limitations as may be imposed by the Bylaws or the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall be the advisor for all committees. The Chairman of the Board is responsible to direct and assist in the following:
Fulfillment of all officers duties and responsibilities. Be a judge at competitions when requested. Represent CCA in all legal, official, and financial affairs. The Chairman of the Board presides over installation of new officers and members. Be responsible for overseeing the good and welfare of the CCA members ie; sickness, funerals, certifications, weddings. Provide a Chairman of the Boards Message for all newsletters. The Chairman of the Board shall be responsible for one of the signatures on checks.
Section 5. CCA President. The CCA President shall preside at all meetings and to rightly enforce the rules and regulations of the association following the Robert’s Rules of Order. The president shall be responsible for conducting monthly board meetings and overseeing association committees.
Be a representative at all official ACF functions and CCA charitable events. Provide a Presidents Message for all newsletters. The President shall be responsible for one of the signatures on checks.
Section 6. First Vice President. It shall be the duty of the First Vice President to assist in the execution of the Presidents duties and to officiate in the absence of the President. The First Vice President is responsible for coordinating and scheduling meetings to include educational components with the approval of the President.
Section 7. Second Vice President. It shall be the duty of the Second Vice President to assist in the execution of the First Vice Presidents duties and to officiate in the absence of the First Vice President. If the President and First Vice President are not available for a scheduled meeting, the Second Vice President will preside. To be available to assist other officers or vacant positions as needed. To be responsible for coordinating with the appropriate news stations any meeting cancellations due to weather. The Second Vice President is responsible for coordinating publicity.
Section 8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall oversee the financial affairs of the CCA. The Treasurer shall see to the timely preparation of annual financial reports and budgets for presentation at the CCA and monthly financial reports for the Board of Directors. The Treasurers’ report shall be available to all members upon request. The Treasurer shall be responsible for one of the signatures on checks.
Section 9. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the records of the CCA and the preparation of the minutes of all CCA meetings. To be responsible for filing documents, reports, and communications connected with the business of the CCA.
Section 10. Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for notifying members of regular and special meetings. They will construct monthly newsletters for distribution to all members in a timely fashion.
Section 11. Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms is responsible to maintain order at all meetings and to be responsible for properly displaying of the American and organization’s flags. The Sergeant of Arms will conduct all opening ceremonies of each meeting, lead the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance and announce our list of deceased members at least once per year. Members who pass a way during the year will be announced at each meeting for the first year. The oath of office will be read by the Sergeant at Arms during the installation of new members.
Section 12. Immediate Past President/Advisor. The outgoing CCA President shall serve as Immediate Past President/Advisor for a term to be concurrent with the newly elected CCA President. The Immediate Past President shall perform the duties of any officer in case of a vacancy until the vacancy can be filled in accordance with the Bylaws; serve as an advisor to the President; help install new members.
Section 13. Vacancies.
a) If the CCA President is unable to complete his or her term for any reason, the Immediate Past President shall immediately assume the duties of the CCA President until a new CCA President can be elected.
b) If both the CCA President and Immediate Past President are unable to complete their terms, then succession of the CCA Presidency falls to the First Vice President.
1. If the First Vice President is also unavailable to serve as CCA President, a successor, who must meet qualifications as stated in Article IV Section 2, to fill the office of CCA President, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to complete the balance of the term.
c) Any vacancy that occurs shall be filled by the Second Vice President for a limited time not to exceed three monthly meetings or until a successor is named. Past Presidents may assist at meetings to fulfill a vacancy or absence of an officer.
Article V Misdemeanor
Any member repeatedly found guilty by the Board of Directors or breaking the rules and regulations of CCA or of conduct unbecoming a professional shall have a fair trial before which they may be heard in their own defense. Information will be investigated by the Ethics Committee. Said member shall at least ten (10) days notice of the intention of the Ethics Committee and Board of Directors. If an individual is found guilty, they may be admonished, suspended, or expelled. Providing a quorum is present, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors is needed.
Article VI Guests
Any person may on invitation by a member enjoy the privileges of the CCA as a guest, shall sign the guest book and pass any part of the day or evening in company with such member, except at the Annual Election Meeting. It shall rest at the discretion of the Board of Directors if they should find any just cause to exclude any person in attendance who is acting improperly.
If at any time the Board of Directors should be of the opinion that the provisions of this article should be limited in any respect they shall have the power to notify the membership in writing of their actions if it be for the welfare of the organization.
A guest is a perspective member or an individual with interests in the CCA. It is not intended to have spouses attend as guests unless the meeting has been designated to include spouses or other family members.
The Connecticut Chefs Association annual election meeting shall be held in the Hartford county area and is a closed meeting to paid members only. No guest will be allowed to attend this particular meeting. Only those members with verified current dues paid will be allowed to participate in the voting. If dues have not been paid and you would like to pay them at election meeting, you may do so with the Treasure before the meeting is called to order. If dues are not paid the Board asks you to please excuse yourself from the meeting until all votes are in and tallied. Member must be present to vote. There are no absentee ballots accepted.
Author of nominating letter shall sign the letter and include their ACF membership number in order for the letter to be accepted.
The nominee must be a member of the CCA in good standing for a minimum of five years and have current membership dues paid.
The nominee must have completed one of the following in a five-year period.
Chair at least one committee.(Must have qualified letter from the President)
Be a Co-Chair on two committees.(Must have qualified letter from the President)
Serve on three separate committees.(Must have qualified letter from the President)
All nominees will be reviewed and approved by the committee of Past Presidents of the Connecticut Chefs Association.
The Professional position of the nominee shall be or have been employed as a Chef in a full service dining facility or hold a supervisory position in the culinary field for at least three of the last five years.
All winners will be determined by a majority vote from the active and associate members of the Connecticut Chefs Association. Junior members will count for half of a vote and shall be identified on the ballot as junior member.
Nominees shall not be a previous recipient of the award. A current list of past recipients will be sent out three (3) months prior to election.
Author of nominating letter shall sign the letter and include their ACF membership number in order for the letter to be accepted.
Nominees must attend meetings on a regular basis and give positive input towards the Connecticut Chefs Association.
The nominee must be a member of the CCA in good standing and have current membership dues paid.
Nominees may receive this award two times within a ten-year period. A list of past recipients is attached.
All winners will be determined by a majority vote from the active members of the Connecticut Chefs Association. Junior members will count for half of a vote and shall be identified on the ballot as junior member. Below is a list of 20 initiatives and qualifications of the recipient:
1. Positive Attitude: the ability to see people and situations in a positive way.
2. High Energy Level: strength and stamina to work hard and not wear down.
3. Personal Warmth: a manner that draws people to them.
4. Integrity: trustworthy, good solid character, words and walk are consistent.
5. Responsible: always “comes through,” no excuses; job delegated-job done.
6. Good Self-image: feels good about self, others and life.
7. Mental Horsepower: ability to keep learning as the job expands.
8. Leadership Ability: has high influence over others.
9. Followership Ability: willingness to submit, play team ball and follow the leader.
10. Absence of Personal Problems: personal, family and business life is in order.
11. People Skills: the ability to draw people and develop them.
12. Sense of Humor: enjoys life, fails to take self too seriously.
13. Resilience: able to “bounce back” when problems arise.
14. Track Record: has experience and success, hopefully in two or more situations.
15. Great Desire: hungers for growth and personal development.
16. Self-discipline: willing to “pay the price” and handle success.
17. Creative: ability to see solutions and fix problems.
18. Flexibility: not afraid of change; being flexible as the organization grows.
19. Sees “Big Picture”: able to look beyond personal interest and see the total picture.
20. Intuitive: able to discern and sense a situation without tangible data.
This award is for outstanding leadership and dedication to the Culinary Arts and CT Chefs Association. This award has been developed by the sons AND PAST PRESIDENTS of Herbert Zimmerman and adopted by the CT chefs association as being an elite leadership award given to those individuals that have exceeded above and beyond in their tenure as officer and Board of Directors with the CT Chefs association.
Author of nominating letter shall sign the letter and include their ACF membership number in order for the letter to be accepted.
Nominees must attend meetings on a regular basis and give positive input towards the Connecticut Chefs Association.
The nominee must be a member of the CCA in good standing and have current membership dues paid.
Nominees may receive this award two times within a ten-year period. A list of past recipients is attached.
All winners will be determined by a majority vote from the active members of the Connecticut Chefs Association. Junior members will count for half of a vote and shall be identified on the ballot as junior member.
Below is a list of 20 initiatives that encompass the qualifications of the recipient of this prestigious award.
1. Positive Attitude: the ability to see people and situations in a positive way.
2. High Energy Level: strength and stamina to work hard and not wear down.
3. Personal Warmth: a manner that draws people to them.
4. Integrity: trustworthy, good solid character, words and walk are consistent.
5. Responsible: always “comes through,” no excuses; job delegated-job done.
6. Good Self-image: feels good about self, others and life.
7. Mental Horsepower: ability to keep learning as the job expands.
8. Leadership Ability: has high influence over others.
9. Followership Ability: willingness to submit, play team ball and follow the leader.
10. Absence of Personal Problems: personal, family and business life is in order.
11. People Skills: the ability to draw people and develop them.
12. Sense of Humor: enjoys life, fails to take self too seriously.
13. Resilience: able to “bounce back” when problems arise.
14. Track Record: has experience and success, hopefully in two or more situations.
15. Great Desire: hungers for growth and personal development.
16. Self-discipline: willing to “pay the price” and handle success.
17. Creative: ability to see solutions and fix problems.
18. Flexibility: not afraid of change; being flexible as the organization grows.
19. Sees “Big Picture”: able to look beyond personal interest and see the total picture.
20. Intuitive: able to discern and sense a situation without tangible data.
*Nominations will be accepted until January 31st. No nominations will be accepted on the night of the annual election meeting.Article VIII Amendments
The By-Laws of CCA may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be given in writing at a regular meeting and printed or written upon the notification sent each member of CCA informing them of the time at which the amendment is to be acted upon. CCA By Laws will be reviewed by the Board of Directors or assigned committee at a minimum once every three years from the date of the last revision.
Article VIIII Dissolution
The CCA shall not be dissolved while fifteen (15) members in good standing are willing to abide by and support the By Laws of this Connecticut Chefs Association.
Article X Assets
Assets are considered any property of the CCA. Assets are held by the Board of Directors. These individuals will be responsible for the safe guarding of all CCA assets to include legal documents and CCA personal property.
Article XI Leave of Absence
Any member leaving the state for any length of time shall notify the Treasurer of the Association in writing of this proposed absence and shall pay in full annual dues.
Article XII Resignations
Resignations must be made in writing to the Board of Directors. All CCA property must be returned at the same time as the written resignation.
Revised 3 May 2024
Committee Members:
Chapter Officers
Bob HattarChairman of the Board
Ronald Mehmet, CECVice President
Carl W. Reier, CECRecording Secretary
Megan MadoreTreasurer
Chris MartoneMembership Chair
Joel Zimmerman